Shashank ShekharHow to add apple-app-site-association and assetlinks.json files in NextJs and ReactJs.For the browsers to identify the installed mobile app related to a particular website, it requires apple-app-site-association and…Jun 13, 2022Jun 13, 2022
Edna MoralesLocal Notifications based on Geolocation in FlutterIn the spirit of refreshing my mobile development skills, I looked to see what the latest technologies to use were and came across Flutter…Mar 19, 20203Mar 19, 20203
Valentyna PolienovaIOS Setup of Push Notifications (Flutter/Firebase)When we implement push notifications for Android, everything seems so simple — you write the code and pushes instantly come to your…Aug 10, 20226Aug 10, 20226
Bedirhan SaglamFlutter | Advanced Authentication with BLoCAuthentication operations are very important in Flutter. Logging in, signing up, checking logged in users, etc. Today we will cover how we…May 2, 20232May 2, 20232
InLevel Up CodingbyFlutter JunctionFetch API With BloC in FlutterIn this article we shall see how to use the Bloc Library to perform HTTP requests and manage the state of our application. The final…Jan 14, 20234Jan 14, 20234